Good returns at a low dose
Our products promote intestinal health of chicks.
- Protein digestion from day one
- Increased end weight
- Improved feed conversion
- Strong return on investment
- Access to expert knowledge
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Poultry products
Young chicks have very different digestive and nutritional requirements than
older broilers.
The highly digestible protein in HP AviStart and AviSure helps chicks get the
very best start in life, improving your return on investment.
Our proteins improve feed quality overall. That paves the way to reducing the total protein content – cutting the cost of your formulation.
Other benefits include:
- Lessen impact of gut disorders
- Reduction of footpad dermatitis incidence and severity
Featured Topics
Anti nutritional factors
The elevated variability of the ANF content in SBM and its potential negative impact on gut health and performance highlights the importance of reducing SBM in starter feeds by replacing part of it with low ANF-content protein sources, such as Hamlet Protein products.Gut health
The gut is the single largest immune related organ of the body and is the primary barrier between a bacterial milieu and the body per se. This barrier balances the need to support entry of nutrients through the gut wall while blocking the entry of microbes.Protein Kinetics
Protein kinetics refers to the dynamics of protein digestion including the location and speed of the absorption of amino acids from the lumen of the small intestine. The quicker a protein can be digested and absorbed the quicker it becomes bioavailable.

Feed your brain
Explore our library of videos, articles and presentations and get up to date with the different types of soy protein and their influence on young animal nutrition. Get an overview of upcoming seminars and exhibitions where you can get in touch with our experts in nutrition