- Swine Poultry Ruminants Pet AquaSourcing
Can soy be the sustainable protein of choice?
Reckless cultivation has given soy a bad name in some markets. A closer look reveals that responsibly produced soy protein is better than many alternative feed strategies for young animals and the planet. - PetHealth through nutrition
An opportunity for soy as a protein source in pet nutrition
The use of soy protein in pet diets is often overlooked due to concerns surrounding anti-nutritional factors (ANFs) and the negative impacts they can have pets. With ANFs removed, soy protein provides an opportunity to improve consistency of nutrient analysis while providing important benefits that contribute to animal health. - PetHealth through nutrition
Digestive upset and nutrient absorption in pets
When digestive upset in the form of diarrhea occurs in pets, it signals that the animal’s ability to absorb nutrients from the diet is reduced. As a result, the animal may no longer be absorbing all of the nutrients needed to maintain health. - PetHealth through nutrition
Kibble production challenges with high meat content for high protein diets
Demand for high-meat pet food is on the rise as pet owners look for options that appear to best meet and support the requirements for their pet to lead a healthy life. The problem with an increased demand for high-meat kibble is that some of the most common processing equipment has difficulty handling a formulation that has a high meat content
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Young animals such as piglets, calves, chicks and pets need a feed that supports their underdeveloped digestive system in early life. Just as feed is the single most important factor in animal production, protein is the most important feed ingredient for securing growth. High quality proteins are the key to formulating an easily digestible feed with a minimum of anti-nutritional factors. At HAMLET PROTEIN, all our innovative products are based on a patented bio-conversion process. The outcome is protein-based solutions rich in the nutrients essential to healthy growth.Sustainability
As the world population continues to grow, the demand for safe feed and food increases. At the same time, we need to make responsible use of scarce resources, to protect our planet. Investing in new technologies and research, Hamlet Protein supports producers around the world to increase their productivity in a sustainable manner.Health through nutrition
Optimal gut health is of vital importance to the performance of production animals. We believe there is a direct relation between animal performance and a healthy gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Gut health is especially important in the early life stages and that is where Hamlet Protein focuses to deliver performance, sustainability and well-being.