A responsible value chain
We need to make responsible use of scarce resources, to protect our planet. Hamlet Protein’s products are processed in an energy-efficient plant, where surplus heat is used for district heating. Hamlet Protein products improve feed efficiency due to their minimal levels of ANFs and fast protein kinetics. This results in lower nitrogen excretions into the environment.
Read our content on the topic below.
- SourcingSwine Poultry Ruminants Pet Aqua
Can soy be the sustainable protein of choice?
Reckless cultivation has given soy a bad name in some markets. A closer look reveals that responsibly produced soy protein is better than many alternative feed strategies for young animals and the planet. - SustainabilitySwine Ruminants Poultry Pet Aqua
4 Good Reasons to Include Soy in Diet Formulation for Young Animals
Soy protein is unquestionably the number one source of protein used by the feed industry. Its great market availability and its high level of concentration makes soy and its derivatives a must for feed formulators around the globe. Despite the many benefits of soy, there are still some obstacles, especially when it comes to feeding very young animals or when looking at its potential carbon footprint.
Explore the topic in our news section
- SustainabilityDecember 2019
Hamlet Protein invests in renewable energy
In December 2019, the biggest heat pumping facility in Denmark opened at Hamlet Protein in Horsens. Waste heat from Hamlet’s production facility is transferred into the heating of 3,300 local households. - SustainabilityOctober 2020
VIDEO: Hamlet Protein CEO on Sustainability
Hamlet Protein was featured in a sustainability special of Dutch business and financial news channel RTL Z. The RTL Z team travelled to Horsens (Denmark) to interview Hamlet Protein CEO Erik Visser on how companies can reduce their ecological footprint. The news item zoomed in on how Hamlet Protein converts waste energy into heating for 3,300 local households. - SustainabilityDecember 2020
1 Year anniversary of heat pumping facility
In December 2019, the biggest heat pumping facility, at the time, in Denmark opened at Hamlet Protein in Horsens. Excess heat from Hamlet Protein’s production facility is transferred into heating of 3,200 local households.