Easily digestible feed with a minimum of anti-nutritional factors
Young animals such as piglets, calves and chicks need a feed that supports their underdeveloped digestive system in early life. Just as feed is the single most important factor in animal production, protein is the most important feed ingredient for securing growth. High quality proteins are the key to formulating an easily digestible feed with a minimum of anti-nutritional factors.
At HAMLET PROTEIN, all our innovative products are based on a patented bio-conversion process. The outcome is protein-based solutions rich in the nutrients essential to healthy growth.
Read our content on the topic below.
- Gut healthSwine
Why anti-nutritional factors matter in piglet health
There exists a multitude of factors influencing the health of pigs which include, but not limited to, management practices, environment, feed quality, and pathogen load. Young piglets are sensitive to many external stimuli due to their immature biological functions and the modern day weaning age exacerbates problems associated with this transitional period. Consequently, enteric diseases in the nursery are common and are often expressed as low intake of feed, depressed growth, and diarrhea. - DigestibilitySwine
Be aware of anti-nutritional factors in your starter feed!
Anti-nutritional factors in soy protein pose a risk to young animal health. But it is possible to minimize the factors that are most critical to the growth and development of piglets - the result being a high-quality soy protein and improved animal health. - SwineSwine Aqua Pet Ruminants Poultry
Anti-nutritional factors: the dark side of soybean meal
Soybean meal (SBM) is commonly accepted as the source of plant-based protein that contains all the essential amino acids necessary to maximize animal growth and development. Yet, when ordinary SBM is used in starter feed, young animals have a hard time digesting their diet. Soy’s natural content of anti-nutritional factors (ANFs) is the reason. - Gut healthPoultry
Do the anti-nutritional galacto-oligosaccharides from soybean meal have a negative effect on broiler gut health?
Gut health can be an extremely broad topic with different meanings to different individuals. There is not a clear definition of what factors are included in “gut health”, but it is some combination of different physiological and functional features that affect the development, growth and maintenance, and immune status of an animal (Kogut and Arsenault, 2016). Furthermore, most would agree that the microbial community found within the gastrointestinal tract of poultry plays an important role in the “gut health” of the host through benefiting nutrient digestion and absorption, development of gut barrier function, and preventing colonization of pathogenic bacteria. Animals lacking a diverse gut microbial community tend to have a lesser developed immune system and are more susceptible to disease challenges (Bailey, 2019). - Gut healthPoultry
Removing a single anti-nutritional factor from soybean meal in poultry starter diets is not enough to ensure proper growth and gut health
In the last two years, Hamlet Protein has developed scientific studies aimed at determining the maximum levels of soybean meal (SBM) antinutritional factors (ANFs) that should be in broiler starter diets, leading to interesting findings, published in "The Poultry Site" in various articles. The most relevant SBM ANFs in poultry farming are trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA), the indigestible oligosaccharides stachyose and raffinose and the antigen beta-conglycinin.